Faurot Field at Memorial Stadium becomes a “ZOU” on gamedays. Throngs of fans extend the perimeter of its walls with black and gold. Tailgates are adorned with tiger stripes and tails. The atmosphere flickers with festivity while passersby greet each other with an “M-I-Z!” call and a “Z-O-U response. A towering statue of Don Faurot welcomes fans into the stadium where the field bears his name. Faurot coached at Missouri and left a great legacy during the mid 1900s. He would be proud of how Mizzou continues to grow as a college football hotspot.
The Tiger Walk gathers fans together to celebrate the arrival of their beloved Missouri team. Led by the spirit squads, mascot Truman the Tiger, and the Marching Mizzou Band, the team receives cheers and high fives from supporters as they make their way to the stadium.
As game time approaches, an explosion of pregame fanfare ensues. The Marching Mizzou Band takes center stage with fanciful formations and the traditional sounds of “Every True Son,” “Fight Tigers,” and the “Missouri Waltz.” The canon sounds and the team charges out as Truman the Tiger makes his appearance on the Truman Taxi, a vintage 1950s fire truck. He rides the edge of the sidelines to feed the spirit in the stands.
Memorial Stadium is a classic college venue highlighted by a famous landmark – the rock “M.” This 95 foot tall and 90 foot wide logo rests behind the north end zone on the grassy hill where many Tiger fans spread out to watch the game. Written in whitewashed rocks, this recognizable M has been the beacon of Missouri football since 1927.
The Missouri Waltz plays at the end of quarter one. As the state song, it bonds fans with their university as the stadium sways to sound. Another highly anticipated tradition is the thunderous echoing of “M-I-Z!” followed by “Z-O-U!” Not only reserved as a greeting among Tiger fans, this battle cry turns intimidating as it rattles the air above Memorial Stadium.
A victory brings the lighting of the dome above Jesse Hall. Standing nine stories above ground, the dome which typically glows white transforms to an illuminous gold hue with a Tiger triumph. It’s another aspect of the captivating experience at Missouri which typifies a traditional and festive college football atmosphere.